Wednesday, May 23, 2012

lightweight camping with Andrew Skurka

Andrew Skurka just posted an essay with photos about his inaugural 2012 trip into the Yosemite backcountry.

Linked HERE.

Just so you know, I'll be working with Andrew this summer as a guide, and there are still spots available for trips this summer. These are high quality intensive skills trips.

Want more info? Click HERE to secure a spot.

I can honestly recommend these outings, and Andrew's role as an instructor. Lightweight camping can be liberating and empowering, and the skills required are the focus of these trips.

Big Wilderness. Tiny backpack.



  1. Going camping often results in fun times and memories. You can connect with the natural world and also connect with yourself in a way that is not possible in the every day world. Hiking is great exercise and gathering around a campfire is a great way to bond with your friends or family. You can do a lot while camping, so you might need these tips tin order to create the best experience.

    Camping Guide

  2. Hiking is great exercise and gathering around a campfire is a great way to bond with your friends or family. google

  3. Keep on good working guys; you have done the great job! Case in point marc cosentino

  4. campfire is a great way to bond with your friends or family. You can do a lot while camping, so you might need these tips tin order to create the best experience.


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play nice.